Each photo is individually corrected according to your preset, giving you great, custom results with zero user interaction.Open a folder of photos quickly, then see the corrected image instantly.You also have the option to create your own preset! Features of Perfectly Clear QuickDesk & QuickServer These include Perfectly Clear Essentials, Perfect Lifestyle, The Great Outdoors, Perfect Portraiture, and Perfect Exposure. This batch processing software for photos includes several preset groups for ease of use. It offers the best of both worlds- you can automate your workflow while keeping as much control as possible. Then, with our image correction SDK, you can quickly export these settings to a text file - ready to be copied/pasted into your source code. It allows you to make image corrections in Workbench and tune the settings to match your style and correction needs. One of the key features in Workbench is the ability to "export to API" when saving a Preset. It can automate your primary color and exposure correction workflow and dramatically speed up retouching and more detailed corrections. It can be automatic or allow individual review and adjustment to get the highest quality output from every image. Overview of Perfectly Clear QuickDesk & QuickServer It is designed for labs that process 100 to 1,000 photos per day. Free Download Perfectly Clear QuickDesk & QuickServer full version standalone offline installer for Windows.